Remote Education

Updated January 2022

In the event of a pupil having to self-isolate or a partial school closure, children will have to access their education from home.  Here at  Southwark we have the highest expectations for the quality of education all children receive, whether this is at home or in school.  Children should not be disadvantaged through disruption to education as a result of Covid-19.

Our well-constructed and detailed Long Term Plans, which directly cross-reference the National Curriculum, underpin all learning and the work which children set. The information found on this page is intended to provide clarity and transparency to our whole school community about our remote education provision.

If your child has to stay at home & self-isolate, we have plenty of support available.

If your child is fit and well, they must continue learning at home. Your child will be provided with the work and resources to enable them to do so.  We will provide supporting video clips to help your child access work if your child is isolating individually and, if a class closes, we will try to offer a number of live lessons every school day during their time away from school.

Electronic Devices / Internet Access

We can also access a supply of electronic devices to support your child's learning at home, if they haven't got access to any devices at home - we'll ask if you need any devices - please let us know if you're situation changes.  If you do not have internet access, we will access support from the DfE to enable you to have access to 4G wireless routers to get your child online.

Live Learning Opportunities (during partial school closures)

We will try to offer pupils live learning sessions via Microsoft Teams.

Please see our 'Remote Education Plan' document at the bottom of this page for full details about what our remote education provision looks like and what your child should receive.

Mental Health Support

If you need help or support about mental health


Staying Safe Online

For support with keeping children safe online, click here.


Concerned about the safety of a child or adult?

If you are concerned about the safety of a child or adult, then click here.


Contact the school whilst your child is not in school

You can get in touch with your child's class teacher or senior leaders via Class Dojo or email the school office who can forward your email to the relevant member of staff:  You can also call us on 0115 9150466.


How can I support my child whilst they are learning from home?

This website has a lot of useful information which will  help you to support your child with their remote education.

Do not worry about trying to keep a full routine for your child like they had at school. But children will feel more comfortable and learn better with a routine to the day, even if this is tricky.

Below are resources and links, but whatever you do, try to to make sure that your children:

• get up and go to bed at the same time each day
• have regular meal times
• have regular breaks
• make time to be active
• manage their screen time


Advice on Remote Education at home:


DfE Guidance for parents / carers:








Microsoft Teams Live Lesson Rules For Children
Microsoft Teams Live Lessons User Agreement
Microsoft Teams Parent Guide
Remote Education Plan (spring 2022)