Online Safety

Online Safety at Southwark

The internet is a fantastic resource that offers adults and children alike a wealth of experiences, information and connection that they wouldn’t otherwise have. It allows us to share and collaborate like never before, and, when used responsibly, it enhances lives and learning. However, we must also be aware of some of the risks that internet use presents. Children are living an increasing amount of their lives online, and it is involved in all areas of our lives: almost everything in our homes connects to it. With children now having their own phones and tablets and internet use difficult to monitor at all times, it is our joint responsibility to ensure we raise children to be mature, discerning and digitally literate; we must empower them to engage responsibly and use their powers of critical thinking to make positive choices and impact online.

At Southwark, our vision is a school community that embraces the use of different technologies to enhance learning and thinking, as well as teaching all of our children how to be safe and responsible digital citizens who make informed decisions about their actions online.

Children are taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly, keeping personal information private; they recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and can identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

At Southwark, we believe that educating our children about being safe on-line is very important. As part of our computing curriculum, all children from Foundation Stage to Year Six follow our Online Safety Scheme of Work focusing on identifying some of the risks about being online and how to keep themselves safe.

We believe that regular, open conversations between parents, carers and children about using the internet is ultimately the best way to keep children safe online. While there are huge benefits to being online, it is important to be aware that any time children use the Internet, they face some potential risks. We believe understanding what your child is doing online helps keep them safe online: make talking about what they do online a normal part of everyday life, rather than something that only happens when there’s a problem or issue.

Online safety has to be more than a reminder not to speak to strangers online. As children begin to navigate the internet and use it in different ways as they grow older, their own personal conduct online is also an area where they need guidance. We believe it is important to teach children about both the technological and social and emotional aspects of being safe and successful online.

As online technology changes and updates so rapidly, we monitor our online safety provision to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant for our school community.  To support our whole school community to keep safe online, we send out weekly information, useful weblinks and resources on ClassDojo.  We hope parents and carers find these resources useful to support them to keep their families safe online. We also have a subscription to, where parents and children can log on and access up to date training and support materials to keep up with the fast changing online landscape.  Parents/carers can also download the App to have 'on the go' support resources at their fingertips!



Click the picture above to take you to the Southwark Primary School Log in page, where you can register and access the resources for FREE!

We use to make sure that our approaches to online safety are the best they possibly can be.

Zero Tolerance towards cyber-bullying

What is Cyber-Bullying?
Cyber-bullying takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites. Like other forms of bullying, it is the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. (See also the school Anti-bullying and Behaviour policies.)

How do we prevent and address cyber-bullying?

To help prevent cyber-bullying, we ensure that pupils understand what it is and what to do if they become aware of it happening to them or others. We will ensure that pupils know how they can report any incidents and are encouraged to do so, including where they are a witness rather than the victim.  The school will actively discuss cyber-bullying with pupils, explaining the reasons why it occurs, the forms it may take and what the consequences can be. Class teachers will discuss cyber-bullying with their classes, and the issue will be addressed in assemblies. Teaching staff are also encouraged to find opportunities to use aspects of the curriculum to cover cyber-bullying. This includes personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, and other subjects where appropriate. All staff, governors and volunteers (where appropriate) receive training on cyber-bullying, its impact and ways to support pupils, as part of safeguarding training.

We also send information/leaflets on cyber-bullying to parents so that they are aware of the signs, how to report it and how they can support children who may be affected.

In relation to a specific incident of cyber-bullying, the school will follow the processes set out in the school Behaviour / Anti-Bullying policy. Where illegal, inappropriate or harmful material has been spread among pupils, the school will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the incident is contained. The Head Teacher / DSL will consider whether the incident should be reported to the police if it involves illegal material, and will work with external services if it is deemed necessary to do so.

Talking to your child about their internet use is the best way to identify problems they might be facing and enable you to support them through difficulties – be open and honest.

Please click on the document below which gives both parents and children some really useful information on how to stay safe online. Also, please log on to the parent/carer resource at to access up to date online safety resources, webinars, PDFs etc.

Get In Touch

If you feel you would benefit from any further advice or support, or you are concerned about online issues, please email, contact us via ClassDojo, or discuss with your child's class teacher or Hub Assistant Head. You can also use the 'Speak Out' button at the top of this website.



Please click on the following links for support with keeping your child safe online:

We send out weekly online safety resources for parents and carers on ClassDojo to ensure we are doing everything we can to support parents and carers keep their children safe whilst online whilst not in school.  Please see below for further resources which we hope you find beneficial.



When children spend time online they may be exposed to:


childrens comissioner sex harass

Please click here for important information for parents and carers about how to keep children safe online from sexual harassment.


think - Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer.

parentzone - Parent Zone are experts in digital family life. They provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently. They work with parents, schools, governments and businesses to study, understand and address the impact of emerging technologies on young people. 

natonline - To support our whole school community to keep safe online, we have a subscription to, where parents and children can log on and access up to date training and support materials to keep up with the fast changing online landscape. Parents/carers can also download the App to have 'on the go' support resources at their fingertips!

childnet - three excellent resources designed to support parents and carers keep their children safe online. - Parent & Carer advice - here you will find information and resources to help you support your child to have a happy and safe online experience. - Child advice & guidance - wondering how to stay safe online? Be SMART with a heart and follow our top tips for using the internet safely and positively. - 'On the internet' is a learning-to-read book for children aged 4 and above. Sharing stories with your child, helps to make learning to read an enjoyable activity! ‘On the internet’ has been written for your child to read, with your help when needed. There is no 'right' or 'expected' number of words for your child to read in this book. Their interaction will be based entirely on their ability. There are puzzles after the story. You will need to read the instructions for these to your child. - An online safety story for 3 to 7 year olds.
Join in with Mummy Penguin’s song and follow the adventures of Smartie the Penguin as he learns how to be safe on the internet.

safer - Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.

 net aware - guides on popular games and apps


common - information and reviews on games, apps, websites and TV shows





Given the many concerns that parents have in relation to their child's use of social media, Internet Matters have put together a very useful resource page on their site with lots of advice and tips.


PARENTAL CONTROLS - a step by step guides will help you to set up the right controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps, and sites they use to give them a safer online experience.



Internet Matters have released another excellent resource. As more children and young people spend money online within gaming and social media platforms, the money hub has been created to equip children with the skills they need to spend money online smartly and safely.



Internet Matters have created a really simple guide for parents using Activate, Balance and Check. The ABC's are broken down by age to make this as simple as possible for parents: all ages, under 5's, 6-10, 11-13 and 14+.


ceop - CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. The website gives you information about reporting online grooming or abuse


This image is the CEOP logo. It can be found on the top of the school website - click on it and it will take you to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection website.  


 pdsc - Download these social media guides to help you keep yourself and your family safe online. Safeguarding both adults and children is about preventing the risk of harm from abuse or exploitation or having the ability to reduce it by raising awareness and supporting people in making informed decisions. - website to help families and the public spot the signs when a loved one is being led down a path towards hatred and extremism. The pandemic has seen more children and young people at risk; children feeling lonely and isolated coupled with them spending more time online. The site is accompanied with a national advice line that will provide direct access to Prevent specialists who are trained to guide people through the process of sharing concerns about a person at risk.



Webwise - parent guide to a better internet
Livestreaming, Parental Controls for Games Consoles October 2023
Internet Watch Foundation Child Sexual Exploitation Guide for Parent & Carers
Children's Commissioner's guide for keeping children safe online from sexual harassment
Childnet: Parent and Carer resource sheet
Childnet: Family Agreement
Childnet: Let's talk about life online
National Online Safety Remote Learning Advice & Guidance - Parent
National Online Safety Remote Education Advice & Guidance - Children
National Online Safety - How to use the new App.
National Online Safety - Be Kind Online
Remote Education - Parent/Carer Microsoft Teams Guide
Remote Education - Live Lessons User Greement
Internet Matters: Tackling online hate speech and trolling
Parental controls on iPhone
Parental controls on Android smartphones