Class Swap Day

Tomorrow is another very important date in our Summer term calendar! It is Class Swap day!

In the afternoon tomorrow, children across the school will move up to their next year group to meet their new teachers for the next school year. They will get to spend the afternoon in their new classroom and learn all about what they'll be doing next year! Staff that are currently isolating will join their new classes virtually in the classroom so no one will miss out :)

Current Year 6 children will be outside as normal on a Wednesday afternoon for PE with school staff.

During the day tomorrow, the new classes will be set up on Class Dojo so you may see a link to a new class. Following Class Swap, your child's new teacher will post a video online to introduce themselves - you should be able to see this on the Class Story.

As children are moving into different spaces in the school, extra cleaning arrangements and strict social distancing guidelines have been put in place to ensure the safety of all staff and children.

Thank you, everyone - we know this will be an exciting afternoon!