Picture News: Should e-scooters be allowed on roads?

Good evening,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the week ahead!

This week's Picture News is about electric scooters. The topic talks about the use of these in London but we have now seen these come into our local areas too. A great topic to discuss at home.

The electric scooters, also known as e-scooters, are now available to rent in selected areas of London as part of a one-year scheme to measure their feasibility. As part of the trial, conducted by TFL (Transport for London) and London councils, the scooters are banned on pavements and limited to 15.5mph. Privately owned e-scooters remain illegal on most roads and cycle lanes due to a law
dating back to the 1800s.

British Value: Rule of law.

Things to talk about at homeā€¦

Have you seen or used an e-scooter before? Where was it used? Do you think that e-scooters are safe to use on our roads? What can we do to keep safe if we use one? What is the transport like where you live?

Find out more and watch the virtual assembly here: https://www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss/2021-06-18/