Parent & Carer Guide | Latest News | Updated Remote Education Offer
**Remote Education for pupils absent due to Covid**
Good Afternoon,
Government guidance in relation to self-isolation changed over the summer meaning that If you are a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 but are fully vaccinated or aged under 18 years and 6 months, you WILL NOT be required to self-isolate.
However, If you have any Covid symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell), stay at home and arrange to have a test. This still applies even if you have received one or more doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
This means that children must NOT self-isolate if a person in their household needs to. They MUST be in school. Please make sure you exhaust all options to ensure your child is in school and their education is not affected. If the child is not showing symptoms or had a positive test, the absence will be unauthorised.
For children who do have to self-isolate (due to a positive test result), work will be sent home via Class Dojo.
**What work will my child receive?**
Your child's class teacher will send the following pieces of work for you to complete at home (as long as your child is well enough to do so) This may be set for the full week or uploaded onto Dojo daily:
Maths (the work they would be currently doing in class)
English (the work they would be currently doing in class)
Project (the work they would be currently doing in class)
Reading - your teacher will set you a reading task either linked to your class book/phonics book or a book you have at home.
You may also get set additional tasks such as PE, Times Tables or spellings
Your child will receive activities linked to their current topic, this may include:
A number activity
A listening or speaking activity (linked to phonics or sounds)
Reading a story
Practising fine and/or gross motor skills
Once your child has completed a task, please send this back to the class teacher on Class Dojo where they will record that the work has been completed. If your child is well enough, we expect all pieces of work to be completed.
If after 4 days you have not engaged with learning or contacted your child's class teacher, they will give you a call. On day 5, If contact still can't be made, this will be logged on our school safeguarding records and our safeguarding and attendance team will try to establish contact with you. To avoid this, please submit work as requested as this will be best for your child’s learning and wellbeing. In some circumstances we may contact the family before day four as a courtesy call or more regularly depending on individual circumstances.
A full copy of the updated Remote Education Plan will be available shortly.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher or your Hub Assistant Head